Saturday 20 November 2021

Return ing to Work must be planned

 Many organisations are bringing employees back to the office - perhaps not full-time but maybe on a hybrid working basis.  When uyou do this there are all sorts of logistical challenges.

Do you bring everyone back at the same time?

Do you require returners to have been vaccinated?

Do you need to maintain social distance?

Do you need s one-way routing around the site?

Do you need s testing regime for COVID?

Do you stagger breaks?

Do you have enough capacity in restrooms?

There are lots of questions to answer.

The problem is the many organisations concentrate exclusively on these questions without addressing the personal/emotional needs of employees.

How do you we allay employee fears?

How do you rebuild relationships and teams?

How do you get staff to accept ‘the new normal?

Leaders tend to concentrate on what is in their sphere of experience and their comfort zone.

Real gains are made when you think outside of of your own box and address the difficult issues.

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