Saturday 10 April 2021


Did you have any New Year resolutions?  If so, are they still intact?  Do you have ‘staying power?

If you do, it is perhaps because you build some kind of reminder into everyday events when your resolution is needed.  Perhaps a reminder note on the fridge or in the car. Perhaps you go further and build a ‘system’ to continually remind you’ve - like a daily/repeating  calendar entry.

Most of us need some kind of support system to keep us focused and make sure we don’t simply forget.  Any reminder should be at the right time and should be appropriate.  For example, any reminder about our diet might include our present weight or waistline measurement to more directly motivate us.

The same is true of such resolutions in a work environment.  If you want to establish a kaizen or continuous improvement regime, you need to know you can maintain effort and direction over the longer-term. You can use calendar entries, daily inspirational quotes from the web, make it a standing item on all meeting agendas or whatever.  You also need everyone to understand its importance so your ‘reminder regime’  must include communication.

You must be resolute!

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