I have been doing some training this week - on Change Management. Both the group I was with - and myself - exhibited all the signs of a comfortable regularity - staying at the same hotel we always stay at, dining in the same restaurant, eating (broadly) the same lunch - and so on. Its very good when you can use yourself as the role model/case study..
Of course I think of myself as a flexible innovator - but 'behind the scenes' I am as resistant to change as anybody else. This doesn't make me odd, or staid, or old-fashioned or curmudgeonly - though I might be those things as well.... it just makes me normal. It is my little routines that make the day go more easily. No need to think; just do what you've always done.
Of course (I keep saying that ... as if these things were obvious) recognising the fact that you are resistant to change is the first stage in overcoming that resistance ...
... and when needed, switching into 'change' mode - and becoming that flexible innovator.
Of course I think of myself as a flexible innovator - but 'behind the scenes' I am as resistant to change as anybody else. This doesn't make me odd, or staid, or old-fashioned or curmudgeonly - though I might be those things as well.... it just makes me normal. It is my little routines that make the day go more easily. No need to think; just do what you've always done.
Of course (I keep saying that ... as if these things were obvious) recognising the fact that you are resistant to change is the first stage in overcoming that resistance ...
... and when needed, switching into 'change' mode - and becoming that flexible innovator.