Saturday 12 October 2024

Help Your Employees Stay Healthy

 Many employees, when asked in job satisfaction surveys, express the view that they are constantly tired and often under stress. Even in organisations with standard work hours, employees are increasingly expected to be available during evenings, weekends, and vacations.

Now a degree of stress can be helpful in motivating and focusing employees but too much can result in tension and ill-health - both mental and physical.

You, as (hopefully) a progressive employer should recognise this and take measures to control stress levels, knowing it is good for the employees and good for your business. 

Your workplace should embrace a culture of self-care and relaxation, which enables your employees to enjoy reduced stress, better rest, and an enhanced work-life balance, ultimately boosting overall well-being and productivity.

Of course, those employees must know that any measures taken are genuine and based on appropriate values and respect for employees’ well-being.  They will  recognise ‘lip service’ and inauthentic approaches and messages.

Rather than opting for time-consuming training programs on self care, you and your managers can benefit from training that focuses on creating an environment and culture conducive to well-being. Yoiu can also seek to  use technology to increase employee freedom without sacrificing productivity.

Your employees should be encouraged to set realistic rest regimes both at work and at home - helped by a consistent bedtime regime.

They must realise that a major part of the solution to their problem lies in their own hands.  

The company helps and supports.

Saturday 5 October 2024

How Was The Pandemic for You?

 It is apparent that many people gained a fresh perspective on their own lives during the pandemic.  They now want the mix of home and work life they enjoyed when forced to stay out of the office.  

I have written enough about my view of home and hybrid working - and its impact on the productivity of an organisation.   (Spoiler for those who did not read those posts : I think it is not helpful.)  

This time I want to approach the experience of the forced seclusion from a different angle.

Truly successful people constantly develop themselves alongside working for an employer - or they turn to running their own business.

How many of your employees during the pandemic:

- [ ] Learned a new skill

- [ ] Acquired new knowledge

- [ ] Planned a modified future for yourself and/or your family

If the did  none of these, what were they  doing?  Why were they wasting this glaring opportunity to improve their future?  Are they the kind of employees you want?

Perhaps it is because you have not been encouraging, or supporting them, in their self-development.

Think about ir.

Saturday 28 September 2024

Speed is Still Not Everything

I wrote a week ago about the danger of thinking that (productivity) improvement is always about increasing speed.

I thought this week about an example that sums this up quite nicely.

I went recently to a performance by a small group of classical musicians  - playing a variety of materials from several composers.   (This is not really my primary choice of music but it does make a refreshing change to hear top class musicians playing sophisticated, complex music.)

However, my mind can wander when the music does not contain ‘tunes’ that I know.  On one such occasion, I thought about how little the concert I was watching would have changed from a similar concept 100 or even 200 years ago.

Was it better or worse?  Possibly the most important change is that classical music is now much more accessible to all members of society, rather than being the preserve of the very rich.  Recordings exist. Concert performances are relatively common and cheap. Instruments are much cheaper - although at the top end this is not true.

However the time taken to perform a specific piece is still the same.  Speed has not changed - nor is its likely to.

Speed is not everything!

Saturday 21 September 2024

Don't concentrate just on speed

 I have talked here before about the danger in concentrating on speed of operation as the primary focus of improvement efforts.  It can, for example mean a drop in quality…. and it can mean a team or line becomes unbalanced.  

What we should try to do is to improve the speed of an entire unit or process - making sure the trees is working with s single purpose in pursuit of agreed aims and objectives.

All members of three teams should share the same mindset - we work together and we support each other.

(If mutual support cannot be provided, you may have to put in some external stimulus)but make sure this is seen as encouragement rather than as punishment.)

Team development is one key to success.

Saturday 14 September 2024

Thev Right Fomr of Ignorance

 Sometimes when looking at problems or searching for innovation, it is a handicap to have too much knowledge of the context of the problem.

For example, if you give the problem of spanning a river to a bridge-builder, you will get a bridge as the solution.  It might be a great-looking bridge and/or one with little bits of innovative engineering, but it will not be too dissimilar from past bridges. The advantages are that it will almost certainly be buildable and stable.  

If you give the same problem to a design student with  little or no engineering knowledge, you might get a fabulous, innovative design which looks little like any existing bridge.  It might be unworkable, unbuildable and even dangerous if it were built but it will look- and perhaps - act differently.  

If you combine the talents of a great designer with a great bridge-builder, you will perhaps get the best of both worlds - an innovative deign that is buildable and will prove effective in use.

The ‘ignorance’ of the designer is tempered by the ‘knowledge and skills’ of the bridge-builder.

This is true in other walks of life snd areas of technology - creative people ignorant of the technology can come up with idea which  someone with the appropriate knowledge and skills can turn into a workable solution without losing too much of the innovation snd flair of the original deign.

Ignorance within a team can result in creativity.

Saturday 7 September 2024

A Problem or an Opportunity

 I don’t like aphorisms such as “There are no problems, only opportunities”.    This Is sometimes true but is so vague as to encompass real problems and  disasters which require being treated as such.

However,I have identified one such problem/opportunity arising from the growth of remote and hybrid working which looks set to be around for some time.

Remote and hybrid working require improved communications  to ensure remote employees stay engaged and focused.  This can become a ‘chore’ for supervisors and managers. However, if communication sessions are treated as an opportunIty for coaching and mentoring, this ‘chore can be turned into an important, rewarding and performance-enhancing task.

It does, obviously (well, I hope its obvious)  require a full and proper strategy for, and approach to, coaching and/or mentoring - these things don’t just happen, nor are they ‘natural ’tasks that supervisors undertake because of existing abilities.  But if you take the time and trouble to build appropriate processes, and deliver training to your supervisors, then the 'problem' of keeping remote employees engaged and focused becomes an 'opportunity' for  key productivity snd performance development activity.

Saturday 31 August 2024

Like for Like

If you work in an environment where everyone is busy and working hard you will tend to work hard yourself.  There will be fewer distractions and your work level will be visible to others.

At break time, you can take a trip to the water cooler or coffee machine and have some social interaction with others - discussing work issues or last night’s football.

If you work from home, you miss out on this collective, productive environment snd leave yourself open to lots of potential distractions.  If you are not naturally single-mined and laser focused, you need to find ways of keeping your mind on the task in hand.  (It helps, of course  if the task is inherently interesting and you have ready access to all the information and tools you need to complete the task.

If you need help with focus, try the 20 minute promise.  Set a timer for 20 minutes and promise yourself to maintain task focus until the timer runs out.  Then give yourself a tiny reward - a biscuit (or something less sugary.). Then repeat the process.

The simple answer is to put yourself in situations where distractions are minimised and hard work is the norm and the role model.